Community Conversation with Ambassador Samantha Power
On March 12, 2020, Former UN Ambassador, Human Rights Advocate and Pulitzer Prize Winner Samantha Power will join CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health to continue our Community Conversation Series exploring the nature and nurture of healthy communities. Learning from Ambassador Power’sexperiences – both personal and professional – the conversation will explore her vision of a healthy community, the challenges she has witnessed as communities have worked toward healthier, empowering cultures, the examples of success she has witnessed and her thoughts on how communities locally, across the United States and throughout the world can strive to create environments where every child, resident and family can thrive.
The fourth installment of the Community Conversation Series hosted by CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health, Ambassador Power follows previous visits by former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, former RNC Chair and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele and Chef and Humanitarian Jose Andres. Each speaker has shared their insights into the nature of a healthy community and steps that we, as local residents, can take to support and nurture an environment where every person has the opportunity to thrive.
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020
Time: 5:30PM VIP Reception (VIP Ticket Required) / 7:30PM Conversation/Presentation (A Book Signing will follow immediately after the Conversation)
Location: The Lancaster Theological Seminary – Santee Chapel (555 W. James St., Lancaster, PA). The VIP Reception will be held in the Dietz Hall Refectory at Lancaster Theological Seminary